Versions Compared


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Install Datameer Express from Amazon Marketplace. 


  • Jobs must be executed on the Datameer server. No other running environment integrations are supported.
  • Please refer to the sizing guidelines for workloads.

Prerequisites and



Desktop requirements 

  • All desktop users of the platform must have the latest version of Google Chrome installed on their desktops.
    • Google Chrome must have the PNaCl client installed and enabled.
    • PNaCl Version: 0.50.x.y or later
  • All desktop users must be able to connect to the EC2 instance through the enterprise infrastructure. 


Use the following guidelines to select your instance size: 

Datameer's Instance Recommendations

Instance typeAverage data size workload
m4.2xlarge  (recommended)4GB - 8GB
m4.4xlarge  8GB - 16GB
c4.8xlarge  16GB - 64GB

The Datameer Express EBS volume type is GP2 and the size is a constant 250GB. 


  1. Select minimum required settings :
  2. Proceed to Launch
