Versions Compared


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Install Datameer Express from Amazon Marketplace. 


Use the following guidelines to select your instance size: 

Datameer's Instance Recommendations

Instance typeAverage data size workload
m4.2xlarge  (recommended)4GB - 8GB
m4.4xlarge  8GB - 16GB
c4.8xlarge  16GB - 64GB

The Datameer Express EBS volume type is GP2 and the size is a constant 250GB. 


  1. Initialize the Datameer Express instance from AWS Marketplace using the Manual Launch optionthe Launch through EC2 option.
  2. Navigate to EC2 Console for the required region.
  3. Select an instance type (see sizing recommendations above). 
  4. Set instance configuration parameters.
  5. Configure Storage: Select a local EBS volume; the default volume includes 250GB storage.
  6. Configure Security Group: Use a security group that exposes access to port numbers 22 and 80.
  7. Select AWS key pair for secure access.
  8. Launch the instance.
  9. Access the instance via a web browser using a public hostname and login with the following credentials:
    1. Username: admin
    2. Password: <instance ID>
  10. Navigate to View > Admin Tab in the application menu to configure the platform (including user management).
