Versions Compared


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  • A job started event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and the job metadata when a job starts (the job status changes to RUNNING).
    • The metadata of a job will be determined when the job switches from QUEUED to RUNNING; if a user would make changes during this time these changes will be taken when the job switches to RUNNING.
    • The SDK type is called JobExecutionStartedEvent.
  • A job canceled event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and owner when a job gets canceled.
    • The SDK type is called JobExecutionCanceledEvent.
  • A job completed event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and owner when a job successfully (with data) completes.
    • The SDK type is called JobExecutionCompletedEvent.
  • A job failed event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory and owner when a job failed during execution.
    • The SDK type is called JobExecutionFailedEvent.

Details about the job execution status events

  • The executing user of a job is the user that runs the job. This user is always the owner of the job.
  • The triggering user of a job is the user who performed the job start action. This depends on:
    • if the job is triggered manually, the logged in user is the triggering user.
    • if the job is triggered by the scheduler, the job owner is also the triggering user.
  • The JobExecutionStartedEvent published on the event bus consists of the fields:
    • dataDir with an URI where the data resides in HDFS.
    • executingAs which contains information about the executing user (the running user).
    • jobExecutionId which is the ID of the job execution.
    • jobMetaData which contains the data about the job (e.g., the sheets and columns of a workbook)
    • triggeredBy which is either USER, SCHEDULER, RESTAPI, IMPORTJOB, EXPORTJOB, or WORKBOOK.
    • performedBy which contains information about the triggering user.
  • Depending on the cluster mode the executing user of a job is potentially used to authenticate against the cluster/HDFS


Download data event for the SDK

  • An event is published on the event bus when a user is downloading data from a worksheet or a data source on the "Browse All Data" page.
    • The SDK type is called DownloadDataEvent.
  • The event consist of:
    • The file UUID from the workbook or data source.
    • A list of sheet data which has one or multiple SheetData instances attached to it.
      • Many SheetData instances are available when the import job is in append mode or partitioned.
      • Many SheetData instances are when the file upload is partitioned.
      • Many SheetData instances are when the workbook sheet is partitioned. 
      • Otherwise we have only one sheet data instance
    • The user who is performing the download
