- A job started event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and the job metadata when a job starts (the job status changes to RUNNING).
- The metadata of a job will be determined when the job switches from QUEUED to RUNNING; if a user would make changes during this time these changes will be taken when the job switches to RUNNING.
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionStartedEventcalled
- A job canceled event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and owner when a job gets canceled.
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionCanceledEventcalled
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionCanceledEventcalled
- A job completed event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory, and owner when a job successfully (with data) completes.
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionCompletedEventcalled
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionCompletedEventcalled
- A job failed event is published on the event bus with a job execution id, data directory and owner when a job failed during execution.
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionFailedEventcalled
- The SDK type is called JobExecutionFailedEventcalled
Details about the JobExecutionStartedEvent