Andreas Küster (Unlicensed)
Jan 20, 2020
The autocomplete list now provides a hint if the selected keyword is a SQL statement, SQL function or SQL data type.
Bug fixes
The workbook now shows preview records.
Bug fixed.
Tuntime Analytic sheets now can get exported to Hive as well.
Only the users home folder has the home icon.
All users within a group with more than 1500 members can now be authenticated.
Renaming a column does not break the referenced sheet anymore.
The aforementioned error message isn't rendered anymore.
Import and export job run details pages don't render the 'Production Mode' information, as this is not relevant for these types.
Changing the formula doesn't add additional characters like an equals sign.
The correct httpclient and httpcore JAR dependencies are now packaged with the plugin-hive-jdbc for EMR distributions.
Datameer now supports Hortonworks HDP 3.1.4.
Datameer shows a correspondingerror message in the user interface if tables are not available from the Hive Metastore database or cannot be derived.
Clicking the 'Show Logfile' button now shows the log file in a new tab.
Removing and adding a synchronization for another sheet with the samename is now possible in one step.
Datameer now returns the non-trimmed value for the raw formula to be displayed in the formula editor.
Visual Explorer now opens without an error.
'Migrating from one Hadoop cluster to another' link on admin Hadoop cluster page points to wrong version space
The link now points to the correct version of the Datameer product documentation.
The '' and '' scripts now work with Google Data Proc environments as well as with non-Google distributions.
Datameer's WorkbookHealthCheck can now run for a large number of workbooks in an environment (e.g. 15,000 workbooks or more).